Donnerstag, 13. September 2018

Oracle drop all user objects

Oracle drop all user objects

Ask TOM Script to drop database objects - Oracle The script needs to drop all tables and I thought it would be easier to ressurrect this script. In an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) cluster, a user authenticated AS SYSASM can use this clause to remove a user from the password file that is local to the Oracle ASM instance of the current node. Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the useraposs schema before dropping the user. Oracle Database does not drop users whose schemas contain objects unless you specify CASCADE or unless you first explicitly drop the useraposs objects. Use the DROP USER statement to remove a database user and optionally remove the useraposs objects.

You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any. Oracle - How to drop all user tables? The command line syntax for dropping a user can be seen below: DROP USER edward CASCADE If a user owns any database objects, that user can only be dropped with the Oracle DROP USER CASCADE command.

The Oracle DROP USER CASCADE command drops a user and all owned objects. DROP USER - Oracle Specify the user to be dropped.

Dropping all objects under a schema - Oracle Ask

When I disable all it is still no possible. Dropping all objects under a schema - Oracle Ask Intention is to only drop objects of Schema aposAapos. DROP USER - Oracle Help Center In an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) cluster, a user authenticated AS SYSASM can use this clause to remove a user from the password file that is local to the Oracle ASM instance of the current node. When you drop a user, Oracle Database also purges all of that useraposs schema objects from the recycle bin.

Since the intention is to drop all the objects for a schema, why not just drop and recreate that schema with all the required privileges (since they said - we have DBA access to the database rather than dropping each and every objects. Stack How can I drop all user tables in oracle? Iaposve managed to get around by just doing a for loop with execute immediate in the middle for all tables (with cascade constraints) and sequences and then a series of drop statements for the remaining objects.
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