Freitag, 9. Dezember 2016

Mysql get column names

Mysql get column names

MySQL : MySQL Reference Manual : You can list a tableaposs columns with the mysqlshow dbname tblname command. I have tried all the mysqlfieldxxx functions and none return the real column name. The quickest way to see a list of columns for a table is to use DESCRIBE. How to list MySQL database table column names If you want to list all of the MySQL or MariaDB database table column names (field names) as a simple list of names, with each column name listed on a separate line, just follow these steps. For example, I just did this with a MySQL database named aadand a table named nodefieldphoto, and got.

SQL to get all information for each column.

PHP: mysqlfieldname - Manual

How to list MySQL database table column names

How to Get the Column Names from Table in Use SHOW COLUMNS syntax to show the columns of the table in MySQL. Use INFORMATION SCHEMA to select and get column names from a table in MySQL using PHP. The SHOW CREATE TABLE, SHOW TABLE STATUS, and SHOW INDEX statements also provide information about tables.

Specify the TABLE SCHEMA to select a table of a specific database. The DESCRIBE statement provides information similar to SHOW COLUMNS.

How to show column names in MySQL - Quora The answer Greg Kemnitz is definitely useful if the account youaposre using has access to the informationschema DB. How to get all columnsapos names for all the tables Is there a fast way of getting all COLUMN NAMES from all tables in MySQL, without having to list all the tables? Mysql - How to show the column names of a you asked for a simple SQL query.

Your answer is not SQL, so that may explain the low number of votes. : The best way is to use the INFORMATION SCHEMA metadata virtual database. PHP: mysqlfieldname - Manual When using aliases, it appears impossible to discover the name of the underlying column. You should probably change the title of your query to: How to show the column names of a table Lennart Dec aposat 18:01. Select ID as anAlias from aTable returns aposanAliasapos as the mysqlfieldname.

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