Freitag, 3. Juni 2016

Apache commons email 1 5 maven

Apache commons email maven

You can also visit the apache-commons IRC channel on t or peruse JIRA. Apache Commons aims to provide an API for sending . Last Release on Apr 1 2019. Mmons artifact group Maven-Repository See a list of all artifacts for maven group mmons.

Please remember that the lists are shared between all commons components, so prefix your by . The commons mailing lists act as the main support forum.

Apache Commons

Maven artifact version mmons:commons-: Apache Commons Apache Commons aims to provide an API for sending . Commons Text Home The commons developer mailing list is the main channel of communication for contributors. Specific links of interest for JIRA are. Apache Commons aims to provide an API for sending.

The dev list is intended for the development discussion. Please remember that the lists are shared between all commons components, so prefix your by text.

Mmons artifact group Maven-Repository

The user list is suitable for most library usage queries. Issues may be reported via ASF JIRA. Get informed when new snapshots or releases get out. The commons- API, I think, is for the common cases where you just want to build and send an without needing the power (or complexity) of JavaMail.

I m not sure this is something that falls within commons- s scope. dependency groupId mmons groupId artifactId commons- artifactId version -SNAPSHOT version dependency.
If you re already pulling messages from an server, I don t know why you wouldn t just use JavaMail for. Commons Proper is dedicated to one principal goal: creating and maintaining reusable Java components. It is built on top of the JavaMail API, which it aims to simplify. The Commons Proper is a place for collaboration and sharing, where developers from throughout the Apache community can work together on projects to be shared by the Apache projects and Apache users.

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