Mittwoch, 27. April 2016

Access denied for user localhost

Access denied for user localhost

Access denied for user root localhost while attempting to grant privileges. I gave it all privileges and set its password to the same as root. Access can be denied when access to MySQL is attempted through the root user. mysql CREATE DATABASE moyennegenerale ERROR 10(420Access denied for user root to database moyennegenerale I understand is used to signify any host, but my status clearly states localhost.

ERROR 10(280Access denied for user sonar localhost (using password: YES) Also as i am trying this from another machine and through Jenkins job my URL for accessing is m. Does somebody have an idea of what might be going on?

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Now I can t access the mysql console whatsoever because it s now saying Access denied for user root localhost (using password: YES) in the console. root mysql -u root ERROR 10(280Access denied for user root localhost (using password:NO) Stop the servicedaemon of mysql running root service mysql stop mysql stopwaiting Start mysql without any privileges using the following option This option is used to boot up and do not use the privilege system of MySQL. Stack Exchange network consists of 1Q A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. PhpMyAdmin - Access denied for user rootlocalhost In the PHP programming language, there is an open source tool called PhpMyAdmin that handles the administration of MySQL.

Why am I denied access on a user with the privileges to do what I m trying to do.
Do the Following on Computer A: It looks like you re trying to make a new user by the name of username but a different user by the name of username localhost is getting in the waytaking precedence. With root privileges on the command line, use the mysql database create the user identified by your passwor grant all select, update, delete privileges on all the databases on all the tables to the user phpmyadmin connecting from localhost, who also has grant options to give permissions to other users. Then I tried creating another user, rootlocalhost because that s what Adminer is complaining about.

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