Montag, 10. August 2015

Google tour creator

Google tour creator

Tour Creator is a tool designed to simplify the process of creating a virtual tour. You can use Street View panoramas, add your own images from 3cameras, and annotate the tour with details and facts, to cr. Use Tour Creator to create and publish virtual reality tours. See how people are using Tour Builder.

They allow you to take in information and content visually, in the same way you take in the world. today launched Tour Creator, a web-based tool that lets you easily build a VR tour using imagery from Street View and even your own 3photos.

Bestseller in Gautama Buddha

New York City Skyscrapers, Museums, and Green Spaces. From a nonprofit documenting its global missions, to a teacher transforming American history - check out the inspiring stories that people are creating using Tour Builder. Tour Creator makes it easy to build immersive, 3tours right from your computer.

Use your own 3photos or find one on Street View. Thats why were introducing Tour Creator, which enables students, teachers, and anyone with a story to tell, to make a VR tour using imagery from Street View or their own 3photos. After launching on May Tour Creator has added support for photos from the Cardboard Camera app. The tool is designed to let you produce professional-level VR content without a steep learning curve.

You can use Street View panoramas, add your own images from 3cameras, and annotate the tour with details and facts, to create immersive experiences. Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical worlds.
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