Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

Jira tutorial

Jira tutorial

The tool is mainly used for issue tracking. JIRA is a software tool designed for project management. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management.

This tutorial introduces the readers to the fundamental features, usage, and advantages of JIRA. This guide will help you set up your first project, so keep this tab open while you . It is widely used as an issue-tracking tool for all types of testing. The name JIRA is actually inherited from the Japanese word Gojira which means Godzilla.

Core Features of JIRA Boards JIRA provides Kanban and Scrum Boards. JIRA Tutorial: A Complete Guide for Beginners JIRA is a tool developed by Australian Company Atlassian.

JIRA Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

Free Jira Tutorials for Users - Atlassian Training Free Jira Tutorials for Users Atlassian University offers a variety of short tutorials for Jira. Agility is not about the tool that you use, but how you use it. The basic use of this tool is to. You can access some of the tutorials. Jira tutorials: Learn agile with Jira Software Our tutorials focus on Jira Software, the number one tool for agile development teams.

Getting Started with Jira Free Guide Atlassian Getting started with Jira: basic steps.
Theyaposre grouped into series, based on content theme, and each tutorial lasts anywhere from to minutes, so you can dive in and learn quickly. No matter what agile framework you choose, Jira has you covered.

In this tutorial, we will learn what JIRA is, what is it used for, and how to use it. Before you begin this tutorial, for your free trial of Jira Software Cloud. The tutorials below share the tips and tricks your team needs to stay agile with Jira Software.

JIRA Tutorial - Tutorialspoint JIRA is a project management tool used for issues and bugs tracking system. offene Stelle bei MittnerPartner - jetzt bewerben als Zur Ergänzung unseres. All diese Add-ons zusammengefasst machen Jira ganz sch n teuer. Anonyme Partner Anonyme partner, neben dem l gilt sich f nf bis sieben jahr zu mehrerer klippen auf der insel.

Jira tutorials: Learn agile with Jira Software

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